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"To deny people of their human rights is to challenge their very humanity."

The increase in influence of non-state actor groups and radical regimes in the Middle East and North Africa has not been uncommon. However, in recent times the sociopolitical, humanitarian and economic condition of the region has further deteriorated because of widespread conflict and proxy warfare between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Due to this, the youth in the region are the worst affected and have been forced to survive in conditions of abject poverty and have thus become vulnerable and susceptible to radical influence.
25 million children in this region live in conflict situations, and three quarters of all children are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Conflicts in Syria and Iraq have displaced tens of thousands of children from areas previously held by armed groups. To overcome these issues, the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Council aims to improve the controlling governance and accommodate every person to achieve equality at its best. Do you think you can take on SOCHUM?

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