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1. The Registration fee is INR 250/- (Extra donations are appreciated as ALL proceeds generated will go towards CRY's initiative to protect vulnerable children). 


2. All participants must pay through Google Pay/PayTM to the following number: 9900195273 (Nikila Gangadharan).


3. While paying, please mention the Delegate Name and the word 'CFCMUN' in the textbox that says 'what's this for' (GPay) or 'add a message (PayTM).


4. Your allotment/portfolio will be told to you only after you have transferred the amount AND filled out the payment form. 


5. You will be required to enter the transaction's UPI ID/Google Transaction ID (GPay) or Transaction ID (PayTM) in the form.


6. Attaching the receipt in the payment form is advisable.

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